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Welcome to Preston Hockey Club

Est 1903, Home to 7 mens, 3 Ladies and 3 Junior Teams. The heart of hockey in Lancashire.

History of Preston Hockey Club:

The facilities are leased from Preston City Council under a 99-year lease that commenced in February 1996 and are shared between Preston Cricket Club which was established in 1821. Games were played on the Holm [now known as Penwortham Holme] which was an island at that time in the River Ribble. The first recorded match on the ground was in 1870, when Preston played a United North of England Eleven. Preston Hockey is believed to date from 1903,although there is some evidence that it existed even earlier.

PHC Vision:

To be recognised as a valuable member of the local community by providing:
  • Sustainable first-class sporting facilities, infrastructure, and coaching
  • A popular resource for local community use encouraging diversity and inclusion
  • A particular focus on the development of the youth of the community

PHC Values:

As a club & as individual members, we both value and take pride :
  • In the way we treat and respect others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.
  • In our welcome to all visitors to our club.
  • In our facilities.
  • In our standards of both hospitality and sporting competitiveness
  • In the effort we dedicate to encouraging young people to participate in sporting activities
  • In addressing the needs of the community as part of a local collaborative approach

Get in touch

Get in touch today to see how our team can help:
South Meadow Lane, Preston, PR1 8HX
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